COSTCO Wholesale

For this project, I delved into the theme of mass production within the expansive environment of Costco Wholesale, chosen for its iconic status as a hub of consumerism and mass-produced goods. Costco's sprawling aisles and towering shelves provided the perfect backdrop to explore the overwhelming scale and abundance characteristic of mass production. Utilizing a printer as a creative medium, I aimed to visually articulate the relentless churn of goods within Costco's space. Through this unconventional approach, I sought to prompt viewers to reflect on the broader implications of consumerism and commercialism within our society, using Costco as a lens through which to examine these complex issues.

*Scanned Printed in Printer machine

In the macro view, every good is stacked in bulk in a tremendous container, creating the appearance of patterns. In the micro view, each item’s package has strong graphic elements, such as large typography and various vivid colors. Using simple copy machine features such as expanding and minimizing, I captured the essence/atmosphere of Costco with seven different goods. With this visual, I expressed my perspective of Costco's encouragement of an indulgent culture. 


Poetic Lighting : Naked Body of Ice *Case Study*


New Recipe